
Blue light filter glasses in the test: You should know that about the glasses – including 6 brands where there are models with the filter for shopping

Blue Light Blocking Glasses have been on everyone’s lips for a long time and promise to be the solution to high screen times and tired eyes. But what exactly is behind the trend and how exactly do they work blue light filtering lenses at all? We clarify and have compiled all the advantages and disadvantages for you – including a personal test report by GLAMOR Deputy Head of Editorial Content Alexandra Schöb, who wore such a model for two weeks. And we also looked around the market and picked out a few brands where you Glasses with a blue light filter can shop – from cheap to designer pieces.

What is blue light anyway?

Red, orange, yellow, green – and of course blue: Visible sunlight, which we perceive as white light, actually contains five different colored types of light with different energies and wavelengths. They only become visible when they are refracted by a prism and the so-called “rainbow effect” begins. We are outdoors blue light exposed, but only in small amounts. We get it in much larger doses in closed rooms off – and above all via ours TV, computer, tablet or smartphone screens.

What is the effect of blue light and is blue light harmful?

If our eyes are exposed to blue light too often and for too long, this can negative consequences Julia Groitl, master optician and store manager at Viu Eyewear in Munich, explains to me: “Blue light has a high energy level and cannot be easily processed by the eye. While most forms of light are absorbed and intercepted by the front of the eye, blue-violet rays travel to the delicate retina, which can cause increased stress and potential irritation to the eye.” In concrete terms, this means that we complain more often dry and tired eyeshave a blurred vision and can under Headache Suffer. Also concentration and sleep problems are possible. The latter, by the way, because blue light inhibits the release of the sleep hormone melatonin.

What is a blue light filter and what is the use of blue light filter glasses?

This is exactly where the blue filter comes into play: as an additional component of a lens, it should protect the eyes protection and comfort offer by preventing the blue light from penetrating too deeply into the retina. By the way, normal glasses or glasses with untreated lenses do not have an integrated filter. “Wearing blue light blocking glasses protects the eyes from potentially harmful blue light and thus relieves them. The positive effects include less headaches and dry eyes, improved concentration, productivity and better sleep. Ideally, we feel better and fitter during the day,” explains Viu expert Julia of the potential benefits of wearing blue filter glasses.

Blue light filter glasses in the test: These are my experiences

The starting point

That’s the theory. But what is the real benefit of blue light filter glasses and how useful are they? That’s exactly what I want to find out in a two-week test. As a test person, I’m pretty good, because according to my own calculations, I spend at least every day of the week 10 to 12 hours in front of any screen: Since Corona, my entire working day has been spent in front of the laptop, which is often followed by zoom dates with friends or a cozy evening with a movie or series. In addition, there is private scrolling through online shops and Instagram. I hardly give my eyes any rest on weekdays – actually only when I’m sleeping. The consequences? From the afternoon they usually feel dry and irritated. They are always red in the evening. I also get frequent headaches. Actually no wonder…

My test glasses from Viu

The blue light blocking glasses I am allowed to test are from Viu Eyewear. The Swiss label for glasses and sunglasses has just brought a new premium blue light filter onto the market, which it says is unique because it shows no shimmer or residual reflections on the lenses. In other words: the blue filter glasses are not recognizable as such when they are worn. Since I need prescription glasses (I usually wear dimensionally stable contact lenses and want to give my eyes a break from that) and don’t know my current vision values, I make an appointment for a consultation including an eye test at the Viu flagship store in Munich. Here I get friendly and competent advice and store employee Daniela takes the time to determine my visual performance with an eye test. After the measurement, the test glasses are selected. I opt for a delicate titanium aviator-style model called “The Nomad”, which is minimalistic and retro at the same time.

The Nomad aviator sunglasses

Wearing the blue light filter test glasses

After two and a half weeks I can pick up my blue light filter glasses with additional prescription lenses from the Viu store. Here it is finally adjusted to my head so that everything fits perfectly. On the first day of wearing, I was still a bit “flashed” by the new visual experience of the glasses, the lenses of which have a higher diopter than my lenses. But I’m getting used to my better eyesight quite quickly. What I noticed right after the first day of my blue light filter glasses test: My eyes are no longer red and less dry in the evening. And that’s despite spending just as much time in front of the screens as usual. This condition lasts for the next 14 days, which actually makes me feel more rested and fitter. I only notice the blue filter of the glasses insofar as the white tones in my field of vision appear less glaring, which I find very pleasant.


By Eily

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