
Pants that are too wide or baggy? 3 styling tricks that make jeans and co. tighter

The trousers is too far, slips or is after years of wearing Worn-out? We all know that moment when the waistband just doesn’t sit where we want it to. This always happens when we have pants that are long, our body changes or we have bought an oversized cut that is actually a few sizes too big. So what to do? Because the pants are simply too good to give away (especially if we like to wear them). In addition, it is not always worthwhile giving the pieces to be changed or repairing them yourself in order to get them back tighter close. We learned from influencer Bo Brown, who shares useful styling tricks on her channels, how you can solve this fashion problem very simply and without much effort.

With these 3 ingenious styling tricks, pants that are too wide or baggy can be made to fit

1. Jeans that are too big?

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Anyone who likes to shop for second-hand denim knows that it is better to choose a few sizes larger for the perfect loose fit. To get them to fit perfectly, you now have to slide the button and clamp it behind the first belt loop. Drape the fabric that fills the gap into a fold, making sure it lies flat and doesn’t bunch up. Then you can close the button as usual and et voilĂ , the pants are tight again. Only this time with a very special twist: a (fake) asymmetrical waistband.

2. Denim too loose?

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By Eily

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